Degree procedure

Initiation of the PhD degree process

(1) The PhD degree process starts by submitting the request of the initiation of the PhD process by the PhD applicant in the appropriate way.

(2) The application should contain the following documents:

  • filled application form
  • professional curriculum vitae
  • copy of the doctoral absolutorium
  • list of publication
  • doctoral thesis and booklet
  • copy of the publications related to the theses

The statement of support for the initiation from the supervisor must be attached.

The PhD applicant shall initiate the PhD process not later than one year from the date of the absolvation by sending her/his application with all requested documents.

The doctoral theses 

(1) The doctoral theses is a written summary made by the PhD candidate. It has to introduce the aims of the candidate, his/her knowledge about the literature, methods applied in the research by the candidate, his/her new scientific results. The theses proves that the PhD candidate is able to the independent research related to the requirements of the PhD degree. The doctoral thesis can be written independently and not with Co-Authors. The maximal length of the theses is 120 pages.

(2) The theses has to be gone through the internal defense procedure before it’s submission to the final defense. Two review has to be made about the work by the internal opponents. The author should consider the implementation of these results and suggestions to be built into the final work at his/her discretion.

(3) The following documentations needed to be submitted:

  • 5 pieces from the hardcopy of the theses
  • 20 pieces from the theses booklet
  • Declaration of ownership (about the theses are the own work of the author) (7. appendix)
  • Declaration of resignation regarding the thesis points from the co-authors of the paper related to the theses (excluding the supervisor) (6. appendix)

Evaluation of the dissertation 

(1) The two opponents shall provide a written review about dissertation within two month.

(2) In case of two rejections the public defense cannot be held. In this case, the EDHT qualifies the PhD process unsuccessful and closes it.

(3) If the propositions of the two opponents are contradictory, a third official opponent is invited.

(4) In case of two supporting propositions, the defense must be released for public defense within two months.

(5) The candidate receives the reviews of the opponents beforehand. The candidate must send the answers to the questions of the opponents (which are also attached to the reviews) in written form to the council of doctoral school at least 15 days before the public debate.

Public debate of the doctoral theses 

(1) The doctoral theses must be defended during a public debate in front of the Review Committee.  The debate is conducted by the chair of the committee.

(2) In the course of public debate the candidate is allowed to freely present the theses of the dissertation within a 25 minutes time frame. After that, the reviews of the opponents are exposed, and the candidate responds orally to the questions and remarks of the opponents, committee members and other participants of the public debate.

(3) After closing the public debate, the members of the committee evaluate the quality of theses and the significance of the new scientific results during a secret voting session, using a grading system with points 1-2-3-4-5. The defense of the theses is successful, if the sum of the given points reaches at least the 2/3 of the maximal obtainable score. Qualification of the defense:

  • „summa cum laude”, if the average is is at least 4,51;
  • „cum laude”, if the average is at least 4,00, but lower than 4,51;
  • „rite”, if the average is lower than 4,00.

(4) The president of the defense publicly announce and justify the result of the defense after the voting.

The PhD diploma and the PhD inauguration 

(1) The University issues a doctoral diploma in Hungarian and in English.

(2) The inauguration of the PhD candidates proceed on a ceremony organized by the University. The candidates taking an oath orally and sign it during the ceremony. After the inauguration the PhD doctors are able to hold the „PhD” acronym beside their names.

Application form of the PhD degree process.doc

Appendix 6_co-author resignment declaration.doc

Appendix 7_declaration of ownership.doc