
Managing Director:

Prof. László Horváth professor emeritus, CSc

Field of research: informatics; engineering

Research interests: virtual engineering systems, modeling of objects for the description of products, content based product models, human-computer communication for engineering modeling.

Home page: http://users.nik.uni-obuda.hu/lhorvath/

Contact: horvath.laszlo@nik.uni-obuda.hu

Vice Chair of the Doctoral School:

Johanna Sájevicsné Sápi PhD, habil.

Field of research: computer sciences

Research interests: biomedical systems, control theory, pathophysiological modeling, system identification, cancer treatment

Contact: sapi.johanna@nik.uni-obuda.hu

Chair of the Doctoral School:

Prof. Gyula Simon professor, DSc

Field of research: computer sciences, electrical engineering

Research interests: sensor networks, embedded systems, signal processing
