Student activities to close spring semester of 2023/24

May 21-25, 2024. (Tuesday-Saturday): IEEE 18th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI 2024). Special Session on PhD Student Research in Applied Informatics and Numerical Mathematics. (organized by László Horváth)

June 26, 2024. (Wednesday) – June 27, 2024. (Thursday), 9.00: Complex exam

June 29, 2024. (Saturday): Last day of the exam period

July 1, 2024. (Monday) 13.00: Deadline to send end semester report

July 4, 2024. (Thursday) – July 5, 2024 (Friday) – July 8, 2024. (Monday) 9:00: Oral presentation about research

September 9, 2024. (Monday): First day of the next semester

Student activities to close the spring semester of 2023-24