Communication environment and organization of research
Virtual Research Laboratory (VRL) at the Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics (DSAIAM)
Written by László Horváth PhD

DSAIAM Virtual Research Laboratory (DSAIAM-VRL) for experimental model based PhD and other university fundamental and application research as well as education in informatics and mathematics in systems organized situation controlled engineering structures.
Key words
Virtual Research Laboratory
Model of cyber-physical-biological system
System level generic model
Model centered engineering platform for research in the cloud
Notable results
Introduction of integrated theory and experience representation based system level object models in PhD research projects and master level university courses.
Design and construction of model-based info-communication laboratory which applies world class products by the Dassault Systémes S.A. to introduce and for research application of the scientifically grounded at the same time industry proven world class solutions, systems, and modeling technology represented by these products.
Development and introduction of experimental model centered PhD research topics and subjects in the program of DSAIAM. Competences from modeling platform were considered.
Establishing the DSAIAM Virtual Research Laboratory (DSAIAM-VRL).
The multidisciplinary platforms which integrate activities for engineering structures from the first concept to recycling based on wide contextual model system have undergone fantastic development during the past two decades. These platforms which serve software background of industrial research and development with substantial scientific content have reached the level which facilitates for us to realize full PhD research project using their capabilities in continuously widening area of applied informatics and applied mathematics.
Introduction of a modeling platform not only a possibility but also necessary because it is suitable to solve several of our essential problems and may have great influence on our PhD research. By now, no doubt that the conventional documentation and passive model based communication must be replaced by communication between active models within and among systems. Human participants communicate with models which represent systems. Other essential problem which can be solved using platform is that increasingly difficult to involve supervisors and subject leaders with suitably high knowledge, experience, and survey in campus programs. Contribution by these experts not only easier to organize but also solve the problem with passive environment in conventional online courses. Third essential advantage of the platform is that the PhD students work in the environment same as is applied in similar projects at world leading industrial companies and institutions. Cooperation between DSAIAM and industrial company or institution is easy to organize using the relevant capabilities in the platform. We hope that DSAIAM can get closer to the world where the rushing development of applied informatics and applied mathematics proceeds and is directly utilized. Model based project which realized on the platform is capable of contextual integration all results of a PhD research including results which are imported from outside of platform. Authorized person can join to any project work in the cloud environment easily. Nevertheless, this is a very complex technology and requires suitably configured client station.
The DSAIAM-VRL platform makes it possible to realize online research and course programs in active autonomous model based environment. This is a solution not only for laboratories but also facilitates advanced active lectures. At the same time, it can fill the space between the real world and university activities.
The DSAIAM established its Virtual Research Laboratory (DSAIAM-VRL) as answer to the recent essential changes and new prevailing trends in science oriented engineering and new means to achieve world level research. The program of DSAIAM-VRL includes development of industry-oriented fundamental and problem-specific research in systems organized and operated multidisciplinary engineering structures in their whole innovation and life cycle, first to support world level university PhD research and MSc education. The modeling platform of DSAIAM-VRL is realized within a professional renewable engineering modeling platform in the cloud representing the latest content and style which is suitable for PhD research.
The DSAIAM-VRL applies new methodology in which work of a PhD research project or a university course proceeds in specifically configured, autonomously responsive, system level representation capable generic experimental model system. This highly integrated model system constitutes the laboratory tool configuration for the research project or the course and will necessarily replace the former mechanical then increasingly electronic and computer assisted laboratory systems in the future. To achieve the above, the cloud platform of the DSAIAM-VRL provides advanced solutions such as integrated theory and experience representation, behavior based model of systems, realistic simulations, and representation of wide contexts including arbitrary autonomous IoT connections. The latter provides connection with experimental and industrial cyber-physical-biological systems. In this way, cyber and physical level examinations can be connected with PhD projects.
Wide range of multidisciplinary modeling capabilities are available for example in flexible bodies and function based organic shapes serving mainly bionics and medical engineering. The DSAIAM-VRL will contribute by integrable PhD, MSc and other research results as achieved in representation, context definition, real time analysis, decision making, and control solutions mainly for situation recognition based autonomous systems in applied informatics and applied mathematics. The DSAIAM-VRL will be operated by PhD students who recognize the importance, possibilities and challenges in this area and are motivated for this work. These PhD students having the new thinking and knowledge and can join to the academic staff.
Infrastructure of VRL
The system of VRL is own platform in cloud platform of the Dassault Systémes S. A. (hereinafter referred to as the ’DS’) under its 3DEXPERIENCE for Academia on the Cloud program providing software (SaaS), platform (PaaS), and infrastructure (IaaS) cloud services by the DS under agreement.
Student and teacher client stations serve access the cloud platform using computers from the compatibility list of DS with suitable parameters for the research in DSAIAM-VRL. Platform projects can be accessed from anywhere under specific agreement. Suitable client environment and guaranteed security are strictly required.
The VRL platform provides modeling tools for the integration of Mathlab, Simulink és Dymola research results in experimental model system. Modelica and Logic Control Modeler (LCM) language surfaces are also available. The LCM makes description of reactive systems possible by means of parallel and hierarchical compositions of finite state machines (FSM). All the above tools are essential for PhD research.
PhD programs
The AIAMDI-VRL is capable of giving support for most of PhD research programs at the AIAMDI when students and their supervisors ask for it. The world-class platform has made it possible to incorporate new research topics into the DSAIAM research program. These are: representation of flexible bodies and function driven organic shapes, system behavior optimizing by tuning system parameters in engineering models, integrated simulation processes to drive geometry and simulation parameters in engineering models, and two-way driving connection between model and cyber units of cyber physical robot system. Each research topic description includes the components of the VKL platform which constitute the research tool configuration.
Realization of leading professional research and practical engineering environment at the DSAIAM-VRL providing PhD research-specific role driven access by participants to the platform. The implemented environment is applied among others at lifecycle research and development of situation-controlled autonomous systems in the world leading aircraft, vehicle, industrial equipment, medical device, and many other sectors.
Organizing global and flexible research teams in industry-proven cloud platform participating by internal and external, domestic and foreign PhD and MSc students, researchers, industry and other practitioners and university experts.
Placing results of PhD and MSc researches in autonomous experimental model system where they are developed, compared with results by others, analyzed, and verified in suitably wide context.
PhD and the MSc researches under cooperation between the DSAIAM and the NIK faculty to make access to DSAIAM-VRL services for MSc level course, student research, and degree works possible among others to guide the way towards PhD at DSAIAM.
Operating the DSAIAM-VRL by full time PhD students who work on their PhD research in the platform.
Related projects
Building HW-SW system of the DSAIAM-VRL and its introduction into thematic university research.
Development of research environment in the DS cloud platform of the DSAIAM-VRL.
CAD-Terv Mérnöki Kft. as distributor and support provider of the Dassault Systémes S. A.
László Horváth,, 1034 Budapest, Bécsi u. 96/b. + 36 1 666 5524
We welcome students to apply for PhD research in the platform of DSAIAM-VRL.
We are looking for corporate partners to various forms of company-university cooperation in educational and research on the cloud platform.
We are looking for doctoral schools from abroad as partners in dual PhD programs for our PhD students.
We welcome any professional or financial support to improve conditions of our programs.