Nemzetközi együttműködések

Strategic Engineering

  • The aim is to create a New International PhD Program involving top quality Universities focused on the new discipline called Strategic Engineering and to develop strong Synergies with Leading Institutions, Agencies and Excellence Centers (e.g. NATO M&S Center of Excellence, Water Academy) that are interested to benefits of the related Researches, Developments, Capabilities, Skills and People.

Dual Ph.D. Degree’s Program between  Óbuda University and Università degli Studi di Milano

Emerging Technologies in Cyber-Physical Systems: A Global Seminar Series

Course description

The 12-week long international seminar series is organized by Obuda University with the contribution of four universities:

  • L-Università ta’ Malta –  UM (Malta)
  • Nottingham Trent University – NTU (UK)
  • Instituto Superior Técnico – IST (Lisboa) 
  • Obuda University – OU

with one 70-80 minute online seminar per week. The topics cover multiple areas such as emerging technologies, artificial intelligence, soft computing, medical technologies, robotics, embodied AI, cryptography, emerging technologies in material sciences. The series will be organized within the IEEE SMCS framework.

Course objectives

Spanning three months, the series will feature a rigorous schedule of weekly lectures by prominent professors of 4 countries, each meticulously curated to cover a spectrum of cutting-edge topics listed above. By bringing together a distinguished cadre of lecturers delegated by each participating university, the seminar aims to foster a rich exchange of ideas, stimulate innovation, and facilitate international collaborations.

The seminar series are to explore and discuss advancements, trends, challenges, and applications related to cyber-physical systems (CPS) and emerging technologies within this field. Cyber-physical systems involve the integration of computational algorithms and physical components, often interconnected through networks, enabling them to interact and collaborate. These systems find applications in various domains such as healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, energy, and more.

Key objectives of this course are multiple and diverse to serve both the professional development of young researchers and the development of soft skills. Our purpose is to provide opportunities for:

  • knowledge dissemination;
  • to foster community building of researchers, practitioners, industry experts, and enthusiasts interested in cyber-physical systems;
  • to raise awareness about the significance and potential impact of cyber-physical systems on society, economy, and technology;
  • to foster interdisciplinary dialogue among experts from diverse fields such as computer science, engineering, mathematics, physics, biology, and social sciences;
  • to identify and address challenges, limitations, risks, and ethical considerations associated with the development and deployment of cyber-physical systems;
  • to provide global perspective by featuring speakers, presenters, and participants from different countries, regions, and cultural backgrounds, facilitating a rich and diverse exchange of ideas and experiences.


  • Language: English
  • Target group: graduate research students both PhD and MSc
  • Assessment: online exam
  • Pre-requisites: Advanced English
  • Hours per week: 1 or 2